Showcase one spectacular designer handbag or display a row of the same style in different hues. Either way, expect increased sales for these items with Mondo Mannequins' "T" Bar Adjustable Handbag Riser. Constructed of durable metal on a discreet 5-inch by 7-inch base with a mirror chrome finish, the riser…
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Showcase one spectacular designer handbag or display a row of the same style in different hues. Either way, expect increased sales for these items with Mondo Mannequins' "T" Bar Adjustable Handbag Riser. Constructed of durable metal on a discreet 5-inch by 7-inch base with a mirror chrome finish, the riser can be adjusted from 13-inches to 22-inches tall. This scale makes the riser ideal for merchandising on a shelf, table, or counter. The riser weighs 2 lbs.